Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Persephone’s abduction

Persephone was a beautiful young woman that lived in a nice little town. Her father was a powerful man named Zeus who owned a chain of Greek food restaurants while her mother, Demeter was the proud owner of a majestic farm which provided most of the town with the food they ate. Persephone lived a life of luxury, the kind of life not many people had in that small place. She had everything she wanted, and everything she needed which is why it felt so strange to her being tied up and blind folded all of the sudden. She couldn’t quite recall how this had happened. Her head spun around in many directions and she found it difficult to concentrate. It must have been the chloride they used on her, “they”. She tried not to panic and steadied her own breathing. Her heart was beating so fast she could feel it beating against her chest. She didn’t know what to do. Obviously she couldn’t start kicking and screaming for she didn’t know exactly in what position she was in. And she could barely move as it is. She had previously tried to move her arms and legs but they were tightly fastened together. All she could really do was wait. Wait until the people who did this to her approached her. Perhaps she would be lucky and this could be all a joke; a really bad joke, but she didn’t put her hopes up.
Suddenly she felt movement around her. She jolted up in response and her body lost control. She began shaking tremendously in fear of what was to come. She could feel warm water dripping from her eyes. A whimper or two escaped from her mouth as she tried to undo the knots around her hands. She was terrified and helpless. Then she heard footsteps becoming louder and louder until they stopped and were followed by a deep, serious voice.
“I see you’re awake my love,” said the voice with content then continued.
“I hope you had a nice sleep while I was away.”
By the sound of it it seemed as though it was the voice of a man. Persephone struggled and stretched her limbs attempting to release herself from her restraints.
“You mustn’t struggle too much honey. You might hurt yourself.” Were the words that came before Persephone felt a firm clasp on her shoulders. Powerful hands attempted to hold her down and she ceased moving. The pain in her shoulders made her horrified but she gathered all of herself in order to stay still. She didn’t know what this man was capable of and she sure as hell didn’t want to find out.
“That’s better!” he said. “That wasn’t hard, now was it? I hope I didn’t startle you. I don’t mean you any harm Persephone my dear. I just thought it would be a nice idea to have you live with me for a little while. I assumed you could use the attention I can give you. It must be hard being the daughter of the all powerful Zeus and Demeter, you know? You seemed lonely last time I saw you. I’ve always watched over you and I don’t wish to see you sad,”
What the hell is this creep talking about?, screamed Persephone in her head. This man was obviously crazy, who would kidnap someone they loved?.
“Now, if you promise to behave I’ll take off the blind folds, ok?” said the voice.
Persephone complied. She stood still and closed her mouth as tightly as she could as to prevent herself from unconsciously screaming in fear. It was better for her not to be blind folded anymore than to stay unaware of what was going around her. She wanted to know at least how the man in front of her looked.
He said “Good girl,” and then he removed the piece of cloth around Persephone’s eyes. She was blinded by the bright light that suddenly hit her eyes and as the blur in front of her became more and more clear the blob in front of her began to take the form of a man. When Persephone’s sight was completely regained she was surprised to see a rater handsome man in front of her. He was tall and thin with rather light skin but his hair was a dark brown that gave a nice contrast to his complexion. This man looked like the kind of man that could have charmed Persephone had she met him previously, but Persephone was not thinking about it at the moment. Her mind was already preoccupied with anger and thoughts of murder, she condemned this man for taking her away from her home, and taking away her freedom. Her eyes were watery with rage but the eyes in front of her only showed love.
“That’s much better,” he said then gave Persephone a kiss in the forehead at which she jolted away from and walked off leaving her by herself.
“My name is Hades, by the way.” He added but Persephone couldn’t care less about his name. A few hours passed and then he returned with a bowl of what seemed to be soup and put it in front of Persephone. He gestured Persephone towards the bowl and told her to eat but she only stared at him with defiant eyes and refused to comply to his request then she said,
“Hades, Why are you doing this to me?”
“I told you already, I love you,”
“That’s not it! You’re crazy!”
“I love you”
“You must want something from me, from my parents or from someone else. Tell me what do you want,”
“I want nothing more than to spend some time with you, my love,”
“That’s crazy!”
“I love you, please eat your food,”
Hades took good care of Persephone, he gave her three meals a day and gave her fresh clothes. After a while he even let her take showers in his bathroom. Of course when this happened the bathroom was locked with Persephone inside and it would only be opened when Persephone signaled by tapping the door. There weren’t any windows in the bathroom so there was no chance for Persephone to escape. Even so, Persephone wouldn’t give into the idea of being captivated all her life, she still hoped to get out. She had to find a way to get out, any slight chance she could get.
Days were longer than they used to while Persephone’s was held captive. Hades spent every minute with Persephone, he kept saying that he did it because he wanted to spend some quality time with Persephone but she knew that was a lie. She knew he was making sure she wouldn’t leave; she also knew the only way for her to get out of that place was killing that man. She figured she would have to use this man’s feelings for her in her advantage in order to get out. She thought about it for a number of days, her captor started to notice her presence becoming more silent than usual but he didn’t think much of it, maybe she finally accepted her fate as my bride, he thought. This incidentally made the man happier, something that Persephone herself noticed and that also worked to her advantage.
One night just before Hades went to sleep Persephone finally broke out of her silence in order to start a little small talk just before bed. Hades was always a gentleman and he gave Persephone the luxury of having sleeping clothes. Of course there wasn’t a lot Persephone could do with her arms tied to her back so Hades would help her undress and dress up again. As he undressed her she slowly leaned closer to him in a seductive way and said,
“So, you really do love me, uh? No kidding?”, she tried her best to sound smooth. She had never had the necessity of using her womanly charms but in this case she was desperate and not one to try and hold on to useless pride.
“Yes I do.” He responded truthfully.
“That’s pretty sweet of you. You know, I never noticed you’ve been pretty nice to me. Actually, I’ve never been treated so nicely in my life,” she smiled as genuinely as she could hoping she wouldn’t notice her bluff.
“Really? Well that’s nuts. A beautiful girl like yourself should be pampered like she deserves it,” he was obviously oblivious of persephone’s true intentions. He might have looked calm and reserved but he was a desperate man. A man who only saw what he wanted to see.
“You really think so?”
“Of course I do,”
For an instant there Persephone herself felt being drawn into her own acting. She had never been loved to the point of insanity before and it wasn’t like she ever hoped she ever would but still, it was still somewhat flattering. She shook useless thoughts out of her head and her pride flew out the window as she slowly approached Hades. For one, Hades had seen her half naked body before when he helped change into her sleeping clothes and he had never approached her in “that way”. As crazy as he was he still loved and did not wish to take advantage of her body, but she wasn’t thinking the same thing at the moment. Persephone was sure Hades longed for her body and she was willing to give it to him as long as it meant catching him off guard and giving her the opportunity to escape. One part of her was terrified, she never thought in her life she would be offering herself to a stranger the way she was at the moment; while another part of her was just desperate to go back home, to see her parents and to be free once more. She leaned over Hades and placed a forced kiss upon his lips which were tightly shut.
“What are you doing?” he asked rather softly.
“What do you mean?” responded Persephone. “I’m telling you I love you too. I’ve realized I have fallen for you. I had never been treated so nicely in my life and well I-“ Persephone stopped. She really didn’t know what else to say. She looked at the floor then she was startled by a sudden pressure around her body. Hades’s arms were delicately wrapped around her small body.
“Really? Persephone my love that makes me so happy! I love you! I love you so much!”
Persephone smiled worrily and waited a couple of minutes for Hades to calm down before she said.
“Do you think- Uhmm… Is it ok if I sleep with you tonight?”
“Of course, my love”
This was it, she had him. All she needed to do now was play her cards right and she could find a way to get out.
“Honey. Is it ok if you untie my hands and my legs? You see, they are rather tight and they hurt.”
“Of course my love! You wont try to leave now, right?” he asked in a way in which it seemed he already knew the answer.
“Of course I wont,” responded Persephone. She smiled as much as she could, it was her mask.
“-Because if you ever left me, Persephone, I would find you again. I love you so much and I’ve always watched over you without you ever noticing me. I’ve loved you all this time but you never knew who I was. You seemed so lonely all by yourself. Not once did you agree to go out with any of the others who asked you out, that’s how I knew you were waiting for me. That’s how I knew we were meant for each other.”
“Of course we’re meant for each other, my dear,” she said and then sealed the deal by embracing Hades herself. She felt she could lose it any time but she kept herself calm with thoughts of freedom and the ones she loves.
“That’s why if you run away from me, I’ll always find you. I know everything about you, my love. There’s no one else in this world who loves you as much as I do”
“ I know,” she said and caressed Hades’ dark locks.
They parted from each other and Persephone followed Hades into his bedroom. Until now she had always slept in the living room and the couch had been her bed. Hades sat on his bed, a king sized mattress big enough for two people, and then motioned Persephone to it at which Persephone complied. She was shivering in fear and once she leaned close to Hades he became aware of it. He gave her a warm smile and said “Don’t worry hun. I won’t do you any harm. All I want us to do is sleep in each other’s arms”
“Ok,” she said with teary eyes and allowed herself to be held by the insane man who loved her. They laid on the bed in each others arms, Hades slept soundly as Persephone only watched him and waited for him to let her go but he never did. She stayed still in the beginning but as she grew inpatient she began attempting to squirm away from him only to fail. At the end she herself fell in a deep sleep unaware of her defeat.
The next morning came quickly and rays of light hit Persephone’s eyes and she jolted up. She couldn’t believe she had fallen asleep. She looked to her left and saw no one. Hades was gone, only ruffled sheets and dirty clothes took his place. Persephone had her chance to escape now. Without a second thought she jumped out of the bed not bothering to change or put some shoes on. She tiptoed to the living room not before sneaking her head through the door in order to check if anyone was in there. Then she moved to the kitchen and grabbed a knife from the kitchen table. It seemed as though someone had cooked something earlier on since the knife was right next to a cutting board that had little pieces of what seemed to be tomatoes on it. Persephone didn’t take notice of this and headed to the last door to her left, the door to the outside. She tried to open it only to discover it was locked then in a desperate attempt to open it she threw her whole body into it only to fail. After a few attempts she finally gave up and ran to the nearest window she could find. F course the window would be closed and locked but what was there to prevent her from breaking the window? Nothing. So she lifted her right leg and shoved it right into the glass window. At first it only made a slight dent but after a couple of kicks more it finally cracked open. Her leg was bleeding but she was happy she had made herself an opening. The opening was barely big enough for her to fit through it and she scraped her skin with broken glass a couple of time but she didn’t mind. She was free now. She ran out as fast as her legs would let her. She held on to her dear life as she ran. Her life flashed right in front of her eyes and she felt so dizzy with joy and horror that she was at the border of breaking up and vomiting, but she didn’t. She ran out the window, through the forest and deep inside it until her legs gave up on her. Then she fell down to her knees clasping on to her chest. Her lungs stung and burned with such intensity it seemed as though there was nowhere to get away from the pain. But it was worth it, she was free now.
Meanwhile, her parents had caused quite a commotion back in town. They had used every single penny they owned in means of search for their daughter. Not only the town knew of the wealthy families tragedy, but the whole state. They had sent thousands of search missions all round the state. One in every corner they thought their daughter would be. It was only a matter of time before the authorities found Persephone out in the woods. She was able to see her parents once again and to live free again but she could never forget the time she spent in captivity and the man who loved her. She tried to live, enjoy as much of her life in the outside as she could because it was temporal. She knew she would have to come back to him at the end of the year. She knew Hades would come back and take her away once again

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